Retrofitting Garforth
Retrofitting is work on an existing home to make it more energy efficient.
This is anything from insulating the loft, fitting draft excluders right through to the whole Passiv Haus scenario.
Listen to members of Eco-Freindly Garforth on Chapel FM talk about retrofitting and thermal images.
Why is it important
Homes contribute about 22% of our emissions as a country according to the Energy Savings Trust.
Insulating your house well, keeps the heat in. This saves you money on fuel and reduces the amount of gas or electric you need from the grid.
This helps the planet by reducing the carbon emissions from fuel production.
Free Draw Opportunity !
We ran a free draw to provide free professional advice to homeowners to help them make their homes more energy efficient.
5 households each won 2 hours of free advice on how to make your home more energy efficient. We are monitoring the success of this and may be offering 5 more households the same chance!
We will be posting feedback from the participants on this website and on our facebook page.
Did you know...?
you can grow concrete! Researchers harness algae to 'grow' construction cement | AP News
Easy Ways to reduce Energy Bills
Close doors – this slows flow of air through house and the rate at which hot air escapes.
Use your curtains and blinds – open them when the sun shines to let heat in, close them before sun goes down. The thicker the material the better for insulation.
Smart thermostat (set at 19C). Turning your thermostat down just one degree will make a significant saving.
Bleed your radiators if they feel cold at the top. They may have air trapped in them stopping them working as well as they should. Also don’t cover your radiators with clothes or even large furniture in front of them.
When cooking cover pans with lids, turn off the heat once water has boiled for things like rice and pasta as they will continue to cook in the hot water.
Measure how much water you put into the kettle – only boiling the amount you need will save money.
If you have a combi boiler and want to give your hands just a quick wash, then use cold water as using the hot tap will fire up the boiler but not for long enough for the hot water to come through the tap.
Brushing your teeth under the hot tap saves wasting the cold water that comes out first when you do want to run the hot water for a wash.
Keep your fridge and freezer full, even if only with water bottles in fridge and ice bags in freezer. It costs more to keep them cool when they are empty.
Use eco functions on dishwashers and other appliances.
Wash clothes on a cooler cycle.
Switch off appliance – don’t leave things on standby, turn off lights – it’s a myth that it uses more energy to turn them on.
Spend 1 minute less each time you shower; think, do you really need the bath quite so full?
Place reflective foil panels behind radiators.
Seal holes and gaps in floorboards, around skirting boards and around pipes.
Use draught exluders and draught proofing tape/sealant/brushes around windows and door seals. You can even get chimney balloons to block draughts there.
Top up your loft insulation to 27cm depth. Insulate the back of the loft hatch too.
Change all your bulbs to LED bulbs – they can be between 4 to 10 times cheaper to run.
Home décor; using thermal curtains and blinds.
Double glazing (or temporary secondary glazing film).
New boiler (if more than ten years old).
Wall insulation (cavity or solid wall).
Floor insulation (or underlay with thermal properties).